The artwork titled “Asperges me hyssopo et mundabor,” was created by the artist Salvador Dalí between the years 1964 and 1967. As a part of “The Biblia Sacra” series, the piece exemplifies themes relevant to the Expressionism and Symbolism art movements and is categorized within the religious painting genre.
The artwork depicts a lightly sketched, ethereal figure in the foreground, seemingly in an act of benediction or blessing, prominently featuring a cross floating above the figure’s head, which may symbolize divinity or sanctity. The figure is rendered with a sense of fluidity and movement, characteristic of Dalí’s expressive style. Adjacent to this figure, there seems to be a second, shadowy form, hunched and appearing penitent or supplicant, which adds a dramatic contrast to the scene. The overall composition resonates with religious and spiritual connotations, aligning with the themes of purification as suggested by the title, which translates to “Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean” from Latin, a reference to Psalm 51 from the Bible. The sporadic use of color, lighter shades, and the gestural quality of the lines contribute to creating a mystical atmosphere that invites contemplation of the divine and the human condition.