The artwork, titled “Assemblage of Used Paint Rollers,” created by Yves Klein between 1956 and 1962, belongs to the Nouveaux Réalisme art movement and falls within the abstract genre. This unique piece, exemplifying Klein’s innovative approach, captures the essence of his exploration of materiality and conceptual art.
The artwork features an arrangement of used paint rollers, presented in a manner that transcends their utilitarian purpose, transforming them into a profound artistic expression. Klein’s characteristic use of monochromatic blue, known as International Klein Blue (IKB), dominates the composition, invoking a sense of infinity and immateriality. The background of the artwork is adorned with handwritten French text and abstract figures, blending textual and visual elements seamlessly. The overall effect is both visually striking and thought-provoking, encapsulating the ethos of the Nouveaux Réalistes, who sought to challenge traditional notions of art and reality.