The artwork titled “Assumpta Corpuscularia Lapislazulina,” created by Salvador Dali in 1952, is an oil on canvas that is notable for its incorporation into the Surrealism movement. This religious painting, held in a private collection, depicts a blend of spiritual and metaphysical imagery, characteristic of Dali’s unique and thought-provoking style.
In the artwork, one observes a central figure likely representing the Virgin Mary, positioned above a suspended, ornate element that resembles an altar. She is surrounded by a halo and holds a reflective object. Above her head floats an array of transparent figures resembling angels or other celestial beings, their forms elongated and dynamically intertwined. The backdrop consists of a serene sky, hinting at a divine or otherworldly realm.
Below the central figure, a male figure is inverted, echoing the pose of crucifixion with arms outstretched. This reinforcement of religious symbolism is juxtaposed with the molecular or atomic patterns that are scattered throughout the painting. At the very bottom, a peculiar, spherical object sits atop a flat surface that could represent both physical reality and the mysteries of the intangible.
The interplay of light and shadow, along with the detailed rendering of fabric and form, creates a striking visual experience, with Dali’s expertise in illusion and dream-like tableau vividly on display. Through this composition, Dali invites contemplation on the convergence of science and religion, the physical and the spiritual, and the known and the enigmatic.