The artwork titled “At Joinville,” created by Robert Henri in 1896, is a notable example of American Realism and falls within the genre painting category. It presents a vivid depiction of everyday life, adhering to the principles of the movement, which emphasized realistic and unidealized portrayals of common scenes.
In the artwork, a lively scene by the waterway is captured. The foreground features shimmering, reflective water, suggestive of movement and life. A boat with individuals is depicted, signifying leisure and presence. The middle ground shows individuals ascending steps leading up from the waterside, further emphasizing an active atmosphere. In the background, figures are seen under a covered area, immersed in various activities. The use of dark shadowy tones contrasts with bright highlights, creating a dramatic interplay of light and dark, while the brushstrokes and color choices convey a sense of immediacy and dynamism, consistent with the realist approach.