“Autumn in Murnau,” created by Wassily Kandinsky in 1908, is an oil on panel painting encapsulating the essence of Expressionism. Measuring 32.3 by 40.9 centimeters, this landscape artwork was completed during Kandinsky’s time in Munich, Germany. Currently, it resides within a private collection.
The artwork depicts an autumnal scene in Murnau, characterized by bold, expressive brushstrokes and a vibrant color palette. The tree in the foreground, bursting with red and green hues, stands prominently against a backdrop of rolling hills and a dynamic sky. Kandinsky’s use of exaggerated colors and abstract forms infuses the landscape with a sense of emotional intensity and movement. The winding path and scattered buildings in the distance add depth and perspective to the composition, drawing the viewer’s eye through the scene. This painting exemplifies Kandinsky’s innovative approach to landscape art, merging natural scenery with an abstract, emotive quality.