“Avenue of Poplars at Sunset,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1884, is an oil painting on canvas representing the Realism art movement. This landscape genre artwork, painted in Nuenen, Netherlands, is currently housed in the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, Netherlands.
The artwork portrays a striking avenue lined with tall poplar trees illuminated by the warm, golden light of the setting sun. The trees, standing tall and narrow, draw the viewer’s eyes towards the vanishing point in the background where a modest house is situated. The scene is further enriched by the presence of a solitary figure, clothed in dark attire, walking along the path. The interplay of shadows and light on the ground, combined with the rich autumnal hues of the foliage, creates a serene and evocative atmosphere. The artist’s meticulous brushwork and attention to detail vividly capture the tranquility and beauty of the rural landscape in the twilight hours.