The artwork “Awakening,” created by Harmonia Rosales in 2017, belongs to the postcolonial art and feminist art movements and is a symbolic painting from the series “B.I.T.C.H. Black Imaginary To Counter Hegemony (2017).” The painting vividly captures a narrative rich in symbolism and cultural recontextualization.
The artwork portrays two figures, one depicted soaring above with wings and descending towards the other, suggestive of a transformational or redemptive moment. The scene is set against a backdrop resembling a weathered map, infusing it with historical and geographical connotations. Ornate and delicate scripting surrounds the figures, adding another layer of interpretation and intrigue. The earthly textures and colors used by Rosales underscore the themes of rebirth and reconnection, bringing attention to the ongoing dialogue between the celestial and terrestrial realms. Through the lens of postcolonial and feminist perspectives, the piece challenges existing narratives and celebrates the richness and resilience of Black identity and heritage.