The artwork titled “Badplatsen,” created by Simon StÃ¥lenhag in 2014, is a prominent piece within the digital art movement and falls under the genre of illustration. It is part of StÃ¥lenhag’s renowned series “Tales from the Loop.”
The artwork depicts a young individual, presumably a child, standing at the edge of a calm, mirrored body of water, gazing at an intriguing and somewhat surreal structure in the distance. The structure, consisting of several stacked circular frames appearing to be of metallic origin, is partially sunken yet protrudes from the water in a manner that evokes curiosity and wonder. Surrounding the distinct focal point are large blocks, possibly remnants of an industrial past, which enhance the eerie and contemplative atmosphere of the scene. The distant backdrop, replete with vague, industrial silhouettes, suggests an environment caught between the realms of natural and man-made, amplifying the enigmatic essence of the piece. The artwork masterfully merges elements of science fiction with serene landscapes, creating a captivating and thought-provoking visual narrative.