The artwork titled “Balls,” created by Lisa Yuskavage in 2004, belongs to the Fantasy Art and Kitsch movements. It falls under the genres of figurative and nude painting (nu).
The artwork presents a nude figure reclining on an upholstered blue chaise longue, set against a minimalist pastel background. The subject, a woman, is depicted with a sense of casual repose and introspection. A modicum of coverage is provided by colorful small balls draped around her hips, which also introduce a whimsical element to the scene. Surrounding the chaise longue are a few scattered flowers, adding a touch of natural beauty. The lighting is soft and tender, contributing to the dreamlike and serene mood of the composition. An oval-framed painting hangs on the wall, subtly echoed in the soft curves and rounded forms found throughout the scene. The artist’s attention to detail and use of gentle colors create a harmonious balance, contributing to the overall effect of delicate elegance and otherworldly allure.