“Basket of Sprouting Bulbs,” an artwork created by Vincent van Gogh in 1887 during his time in Paris, France, is a remarkable example of the Neo-Impressionism art movement. The work, rendered in oil on canvas, is a still life genre and is currently housed in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts a basket filled with several bulbs that are beginning to sprout, each bulb showing small green shoots emerging from its surface. The basket is intricately woven, and the texture of the bulbs and the emerging sprouts is captured with van Gogh’s characteristic brushwork, adding a sense of vitality and growth to the scene. The background is rendered in muted tones, drawing attention to the detailed and vibrant elements of the basket filled with the sprouting bulbs. The composition is oval, adding a distinct framing that focuses the viewer’s gaze on the organic forms and textures. The overall atmosphere of the artwork reflects a delicate and attentive observation of natural life, emblematic of van Gogh’s work during this period.