The artwork titled “Beach Baskets In Holland,” created by Wassily Kandinsky in 1904, is a work of Post-Impressionist landscape painting. Measuring 24 by 32.6 centimeters, the artwork utilizes oil on cardboard as its medium. This particular piece is housed at the Lenbachhaus in Munich, Germany.
In the artwork, an impression of a serene beach scene is depicted with an array of beach baskets punctuating the sandy shore. The loose brushstrokes and pastel shades of sand contrast harmoniously against the deeper hues of the sea and sky in the background. The artist skillfully captures the radiant yet soft light of a coastal environment, creating an evocative and tranquil atmosphere. The arrangement of baskets and the nuanced use of color showcase Kandinsky’s early exploration of form and his transition towards abstraction, while retaining elements that express the natural milieu in a contemplative manner.