The artwork titled “Beato de Gerona,” created by the artist Ende around the year 975, belongs to the Mozarabic art movement and is classified as a miniature. It is part of the “Gerona Beatus, 975” series.
The artwork depicts a detailed scene with numerous human figures, some of whom are gesturing and looking upwards. The scene appears to be divided into distinct sections by curving, colored lines. The upper portion features two robed figures with halos, one of whom is assisting individuals rising from a dark background, possibly symbolizing salvation or resurrection. The middle portion shows several figures in dynamic poses, surrounded by shades of blue and brown. In the bottom section, there is a stark contrast with figures in distress, some entangled by a snake-like creature, overseen by a central dark figure with a radiant head-piece, likely representing a demonic entity. The thematic representation, the color palette of blue, brown, and darker shades, and the intricate detailing create a cohesive and evocative scene typical of Mozarabic miniatures.