“Beatrice Hastings Leaning on Her Elbow,” created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1914 during his time in Paris, France, is a captivating oil on canvas artwork. This portrait exemplifies the Expressionist movement, revealing Modigliani’s distinctive approach to portraying human figures with elongated forms and a focus on emotional depth.
The artwork depicts a woman, Beatrice Hastings, leaning on her elbow, her face rendered with elongated, stylized features characteristic of Modigliani’s portraiture. Her head is adorned with what appears to be a hat, adding an element of casual elegance. The painting employs a loose, almost sketch-like technique, with dark, shadowy hues dominating the background, which contrasts starkly with the pale complexion of the subject. The brushwork is expressive, emphasizing the figure’s outline and capturing a sense of contemplative repose. The overall ambiance of the artwork is one of introspective calm, highlighted by the subject’s serene yet slightly melancholic expression.