The artwork titled “Beatrice Hastings, Seated” is a portrait created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1915 in Paris, France. It employs oil on canvas as its medium and is a notable example of the Expressionism art movement.
The artwork features a seated figure, Beatrice Hastings, depicted with Modigliani’s signature elongated facial and bodily proportions. The background is characterized by a vivid, textured red hue that contrasts sharply with the subdued tones of the subject’s attire and complexion. Beatrice is shown with a tranquil expression, slightly inclined head, and neatly folded arms. The composition highlights the artist’s focus on emotional depth and inner character, aligning with the stylistic elements of Expressionism. The deliberate abstraction and simplification of forms convey a poignant and introspective atmosphere, indicative of Modigliani’s unique artistic vision.