The artwork titled “Beatrice Goelet,” created by John Singer Sargent in 1890, is an oil painting on canvas, depicting a portrait in the Realism art movement. The painting measures 162.6 x 86.3 cm and is currently held in a private collection.
The artwork presents a young girl named Beatrice, standing in a formal pose with her hands clasped in front. She is adorned in an elaborate, richly textured dress with a patterned fabric and white lace details. Her hair is carefully styled, accentuated by a ribbon. To the left of Beatrice, there is a birdcage with an exotic bird, giving a touch of sophistication and adding to the composition’s depth. The background is dark, bringing a stark contrast to the brightly illuminated figure of the girl, emphasizing her delicate features and the finesse of her attire. The artist’s signature and the year of completion are discernible in the bottom right corner of the canvas.