The artwork “Bedouin Women Carrying Water Jars,” created by John Singer Sargent in 1891, is an oil on canvas painting that belongs to the Impressionism art movement. The dimensions of the artwork are 52.07 x 34.29 cm, and it is a genre painting currently held in a private collection.
The painting depicts three Bedouin women, draped in traditional garments, carrying large water jars on their heads. The figures are dynamic, captured in mid-movement, which is characteristic of the Impressionist style. The artist employs bold, sweeping brushstrokes and a harmonious palette to convey the texture and weight of the jars, as well as the fluidity of the women’s clothing. The play of light and shadow adds depth to the scene, giving it a vivid, lifelike quality. The background is rendered in a loose, impressionistic manner, allowing the focal figures to stand out prominently against a muted, serene landscape.