The artwork, titled “Benkei dragging the Miidera bell up a mountain,” was created by the renowned artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi. It is part of the Ukiyo-e art movement and falls under the genre of history painting. The artwork depicts the legendary warrior monk Benkei, showcasing his superhuman strength and determination.
In the artwork, Benkei is portrayed as an imposing and muscular figure, with an expression of unwavering resolve on his face. He is depicted pulling and dragging a massive bell up a steep, rugged mountain terrain. The bell is intricately designed, adorned with dragons and secured with a thick, coiled rope. The raw physicality of Benkei, with pronounced muscles and veins, contrasts with the detailed ornamentation of the bell, highlighting both his strength and the weight of his burden. The background, filled with dynamic lines and bold colors, enlivens the scene and reiterates the Herculean task Benkei is undertaking, evoking a sense of epic struggle and perseverance.