The artwork, titled “Berserk Volume 13 Art,” was created by the esteemed artist Kentaro Miura in 1997 in Japan. Executed on paper using Indian ink, the artwork belongs to the genres of manga and illustration. It is part of the renowned series “Berserk,” for which it stands as a significant visual representation.
The artwork portrays a formidable and arresting scene featuring a central figure surrounded by massive, imposing shapes resembling gigantic fingers. This figure, clad in dark, flowing attire, stands in stark contrast to the textured background formed by the looming hands. Above, an ominous sky brims with swirling, ethereal forms converging towards a dark celestial circle, enhancing the eerie and foreboding atmosphere. The meticulous illustration showcases Miura’s signature detailed line work and dramatic contrasts, encapsulating the dark, complex themes typical of the “Berserk” series. The stark monochrome palette emphasizes the chilling, otherworldly visage effectively, drawing the viewer into its intense, surreal imagery.