The artwork titled “Big Parade,” created by the artist Arman in 1976, is an assemblage sculpture that falls under the Nouveau Réalisme art movement. This intricate piece, representative of Arman’s signature style, reflects the genre of sculpture through its complex and dynamic composition.
“Big Parade” features a chaotic yet orderly amalgamation of brass instruments, predominantly trombones and bugles, meticulously arranged to form a cohesive structure. The instruments, intertwined and stacked upon each other, create an impression of movement and sound captured in time, embodying a visual symphony. The artist utilizes the inherent qualities of the brass material, including its sheen and rigidity, to impart a sense of both grandeur and tension. The assemblage technique, which involves compiling and arranging found objects, is evident here, showcasing Arman’s ability to transform everyday items into thought-provoking works of art. The mechanical precision and rhythmic repetition found in the artwork also highlight the principles of the Nouveau Réalisme movement, which aimed to bridge the gap between art and life by incorporating real objects into artistic compositions.