“Bijin with a Dog in the Snow,” created in 1845 by Utagawa Kuniyoshi, is a captivating woodcut artwork representative of the Ukiyo-e art movement. Categorized under the portrait genre and part of the “Genji mitate” series, this piece resides in a private collection.
The artwork features a serene winter landscape where gentle snowflakes fall against a pale grey backdrop. In the foreground, a gracefully dressed bijin (beautiful woman) in traditional attire stands with an air of elegance. Her kimono, adorned with intricate patterns, contrasts with the stark snow around her. She clutches a scroll in one hand while the other supports a scarf against the cold. Beside her, a dog stands alert, its white coat blending harmoniously with the snowy scene. Small birds flutter in the upper section, adding a touch of vitality to the tranquil setting. The composition is framed by delicate calligraphy and floral motifs, enhancing the overall aesthetic and cultural significance of the piece.