The artwork titled “Bird’s Flight in Moonlight,” created by the artist Joan Miró in 1967, is a representative piece of the movements known as Abstract Expressionism and Surrealism. The work inhabits the abstract genre, which is evident through its composition and stylistic choices. Miró crafted this piece during a period of his career when he sought to transcend traditional painting techniques and engage with more spontaneous forms of creative expression, influenced by Surrealism’s emphasis on the subconscious and the liberating principles of Abstract Expressionism.
In “Bird’s Flight in Moonlight,” the viewer is presented with a composition that harnesses a vibrant interplay of colors and shapes set against a darkened background that resembles the nocturnal sky. The predominant element is an elliptical orange form, outlined in black, which sits prominently within the picture plane and may suggest the thematic presence of the moon. Surrounding this central shape are various other elements – spots of color, linear markings, and abstracted symbols – that contribute to the free-associative quality typical of Surrealism. The dark silhouette, which could evoke the bird of the title, adds a sense of dynamic motion to the scene. The artwork is rife with the juxtaposition of the bold and the delicate, the fluid and the geometric, inviting viewers to engage with it on an intuitive level and derive their personal interpretations from its abstract language.