The artwork titled “Bird” was created by the renowned surrealist artist Salvador Dali in the year 1928. This piece incorporates a mix of media, including collage, oil, and panel, consistent with the inventive techniques often explored within the Surrealist movement of which Dali was a prominent figure. The genre of the work is figurative, representing or invoking imagery of real object sources. Currently, “Bird” is held in a private collection, not readily accessible to the public.
The artwork itself depicts what appears to be a bird in the central foreground, against a stark, dark background that might suggest nighttime. The moon is visible in the upper-right section, reinforcing the nocturnal ambiance. The bird’s form has elements that resonate with typical Dali idiosyncrasies: it is partially abstracted, with elongated features and an open body cavity revealing what seems to be a fish inside, a juxtaposition reflective of the surprising and dream-like scenarios that characterize Surrealist art. The overall palette is rather restrained, with brown and earth tones dominating the part that represents the ground, contrasted sharply by the white and black of the bird and the somber backdrop. The texture and visual interest of the ground are heightened by the collage elements which add a sense of three-dimensionality to the piece.