The artwork titled “Birth of Oshun” by Harmonia Rosales, created in 2017, is a notable piece in the art movements of Postcolonial Art and Feminist Art. This mythological painting is part of the series “B.I.T.C.H. Black Imaginary To Counter Hegemony (2017).”
The artwork depicts a reimagining of the mythological scene popularized by Botticelli’s “The Birth of Venus.” In this piece, Oshun, an African deity of love, fertility, and rivers, stands central on a large seashell emerging from the waters. Her skin is adorned with gold leaf symbolic of beauty and divinity. The scene is vibrant with natural elements, including peacock feathers and lush vegetation to the right where a richly dressed woman gestures towards Oshun. To the left, attendants clothed in flowing garments and enveloped in peacock feathers offer their guidance. The interplay of colors and details creates a powerful visual narrative that honors African heritage and challenges traditional Western iconography.