The artwork titled “Black Fish” was created by the artist Georges Braque in 1942. This oil on canvas piece reflects the Expressionism movement and falls under the genre of still life. It has dimensions of 33 x 54 cm. Braque, a French artist, completed the artwork in France, and it is currently housed at the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris, France.
The artwork displays a flattened perspective characteristic of Braque’s style, emphasizing shapes and textures rather than depth. A black fish is the focal point, set against a contrasting pale background which may be a plate or a table. Surrounding the fish are what appear to be sliced fruits, possibly a lemon, contributing to the still life categorization. Braque’s use of fragmented forms and muted colors imbue the piece with a sense of harmony and calm, employing abstract and cubist influences despite its classification as an expressionist piece. The organic contours of the fish and fruit, coupled with the angular lines of the background, demonstrate Braque’s innovative approach to shape and form, creating a dynamic interplay between the elements within the composition.