“Black Garland,” created by the artist Sam Gilliam in 2011, is a notable work within the Lyrical Abstraction art movement. This piece exemplifies the genre of installation art, showcasing Gilliam’s renowned approach to color and form.
The artwork features large, draped canvas pieces, dynamically suspended from the wall. The canvases, characterized by their fluidity and movement, display a harmonious blend of dark and light hues, including shades of black, gray, white, and hints of vibrant colors such as pink and blue. The folds and creases in the fabric create a three-dimensional aspect, inviting viewers to engage with the physicality and texture of the material. The installation as a whole conveys a sense of movement and transformation, key elements of Gilliam’s expressive style. The reflective quality of the floor beneath further enhances the interplay of light and color, adding depth to the visual experience.