The artwork titled “Blanche Marchesi,” created by John Singer Sargent in 1910, is a charcoal portrait falling under the Realism art movement. Measuring 62.87 by 48.26 centimeters, this piece resides in a private collection. The artwork encapsulates the genre of portraiture.
In the artwork, the subject is depicted with meticulous attention to detail and a deft touch of Sargent’s masterful use of charcoal. The portrait features a finely-rendered depiction of a dignified woman, whose serene expression and confident posture convey an air of grace and authority. Her elaborate hairstyle and elegant attire, complete with a prominent lace collar, reflect the fashion of the era, adding to the historical significance of the piece. The background is rendered in a soft, textured manner which contrasts with the more detailed portrayal of the subject, thus drawing focus to her visage. The inscription at the bottom adds a layer of personal homage, further enriching the artwork’s narrative.