The artwork titled “Blind Minotaur is guided by girl” was created by the renowned artist Pablo Picasso in 1934. It is executed through the medium of etching on paper and is part of the “Vollard Suite,” a series named after the art dealer who commissioned it. This piece is reflective of the Surrealist movement and belongs to the genre of mythological painting, drawing from classical myths and reimagining them through the lens of modern art.
The artwork depicts a poignant scene in which a blind Minotaur, a mythological creature with the body of a man and the head of a bull, is being guided by a young girl holding a bouquet of flowers. The Minotaur’s form is muscular and expressive, his head tilted skywards as if seeking solace or understanding in his blindness. The girl to his side appears calm and collected, serving as his gentle guide. In the background, there are shadowy figures and perhaps another individual who seems to be reclining or falling. The contrasts of light and dark, along with the textural details, imbue the scene with an emotional depth that transcends the mere interaction between the figures. The complexity of the composition invites contemplation of the themes of trust, innocence, and the interplay between strength and vulnerability.