“Block Letters,” crafted by the artist known as “Seen,” is an exemplar of the street art movement, falling under the genre of graffiti. The artwork prominently showcases the artist’s name in large block letters, rendered in bold white, black, and hints of other colors against the backdrop of a train car.
The artwork features the word “SEEN” written in substantial, eye-catching, three-dimensional block letters. The letters are prominently outlined in black, filled with white, and shadowed to create a sense of depth and motion. The graffiti is situated on the side of a subway car, illustrating the typical urban setting associated with street art. The backdrop consists of the natural texture and color of the subway car, with visible details of windows and signage, including a partially visible destination board that reads “Pelham Bay Park” and “Brooklyn Bridge/Manhattan” among other text. The placement and style of the lettering convey the energy and vibrancy typical of graffiti art.