The artwork, titled “Blonde Nude,” was created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1917 in Paris, France. It is executed in oil on canvas and belongs to the Expressionism art movement. This piece falls under the genre of nude painting, referred to as “nu.”
The artwork portrays a nude female figure standing against a backdrop of muted, textured blue hues. The subject’s blonde hair cascades around her face and shoulders, contrasting with her otherwise warm, earthy skin tones. Modigliani’s characteristic elongated forms and simplified contours are evident, imparting a sense of graceful elegance and introspective tranquility. The artist’s use of color and texture not only highlights the form of the subject but also conveys an emotive quality, characteristic of Expressionism. The composition reflects Modigliani’s unique approach to the human figure, blending a classical posture with modernist abstraction.