The artwork, titled “Blossoming Almond Branch in a Glass with a Book,” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1888 in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France. This oil on canvas creation belongs to the Post-Impressionism art movement and falls within the genre of still life.
In the artwork, a blossoming almond branch is delicately placed in a glass of water, positioned beside a closed book. The composition showcases Van Gogh’s signature brushstrokes and vibrant color palette. The glass reflects the light in various shades, displaying the artist’s adept manipulation of color and texture. The almond blossoms are predominantly white with hints of pink and red, standing out against the greenish-blue background. The book is rendered in shades of pink and green, resting on a yellow surface that adds a warm undertone to the entire scene. Van Gogh’s expressive style captures the simplicity of everyday objects, infusing them with a sense of life and movement.