“Blue Dress,” created by Louise Bourgeois in 1998 in the United States, is a notable piece within the Confessional Art movement. Belonging to the genre of sketches and studies, this artwork offers a deeply personal and introspective glimpse into the artist’s psyche.
The artwork depicts a stylized garment resembling a dress, rendered in shades of blue. The dress is hollow, with an absence at the neck area, suggesting perhaps a missing head or a void. Notably, the dress features skeletal elements, prominently a dark blue arm bone crossing the chest, and a pelvis with a thigh limb. One leg, strikingly vivid in pink, gives an impression of delicate fragility contrasting the skeletal inner form. The fusion of these elements clearly portrays an exploration of the human form and perhaps hints at themes of vulnerability, identity, and inner structure. The artwork’s delicate lines and watercolor-like transparency impart a sense of ethereal yet haunting beauty.