“Bob’s Second Dream,” created by David Lynch in 2011 in Los Angeles, California, United States, is a mixed media artwork executed with mixed technique. The piece falls within the Art Brut movement and is categorized under the figurative genre.
The artwork presents a complex and layered composition, embedded with various textures and elements. The image is framed with a golden border, adding a formal boundary to the unconventional and raw visual inside. The central panel features dark, burnt-like areas, with tree branches sprawling organically. Mounted objects such as red hands on sticks protrude from the surface, giving it a three-dimensional aspect. Text and small drawings are interspersed throughout, contributing to the narrative and figurative nature of the piece. Splashes of color, particularly red and blue, stand out against the earthy, muted tones. The usage of different materials and techniques exemplifies the mixed media approach, making the artwork visually and texturally dynamic. This rich tapestry of elements renders “Bob’s Second Dream” a vivid representation of the Art Brut movement, characterized by its raw and unapologetically direct expression.