Ilya Repin’s artwork titled “Boots of the Prince,” created in 1883, serves as a fine exemplar of realism and the artist’s penchant for precision even in simple studies. This oil-on-cardboard sketch measures 14 by 23 centimeters and is part of the genre of sketches and studies, revealing the thorough groundwork artists often undertake before completing their major works. Presently, the artwork is housed within the esteemed collection of the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, Russia.
The artwork depicts a pair of boots with an impressive level of detail and textural depth considering its classification as a study. The perspective offers a slightly tilted view of the boots which dominate the visual space. There’s a striking contrast between the rich green of the boots and the bold red swathe that serves as a backdrop, providing both contrast and a rugged aesthetic to the piece. The texture of the leather is visible, including the intricacies of any wear and patterning, hinting at the meticulous attention the artist paid to his subject. The overall style remains true to the realism movement with its accurate portrayal and avoidance of romantic idealization. The artwork carries the signature of the artist, further validating its authenticity and artistic heritage.