The artwork, titled “Borboleta (il giardino di farfalle),” was created by the artist Lino Tagliapietra in 2011. It is composed using glass as the medium and belongs to the Op Art movement. The piece is categorized as an installation art genre.
“Borboleta (il giardino di farfalle)” vividly captures the eye with its dynamic and colorful compositions crafted from glass. The artwork features multiple glass forms, each adorned with intricate patterns and vibrant hues. The shapes are fluid and organic, evoking a sense of movement and vitality. The interplay of colors and lines generates an optical effect that is both mesmerizing and engaging. This installation beautifully exemplifies the principles of Op Art through its use of geometry, color, and pattern to create visual interest and depth. The piece invites viewers to immerse themselves in the captivating garden of glass butterflies, offering a dynamic and reflective experience.