“Borodyanka, Tsentralna 427” is a poignant work of street art created by the renowned artist Banksy in 2022. Executed with spray paint using stencil techniques, this piece is part of the “Ukraine 2022” series, which sees Banksy addressing themes relevant to the situation in Ukraine. The medium of graffiti is a hallmark of Banksy’s oeuvre, and this work is situated within the larger context of street art, which is his characteristic art movement.
The artwork depicted in the image portrays a judo throw with a woman flipping a much larger, male opponent. The backdrop of the art is a dilapidated wall with visible damage, likely a result of conflict, as indicated by the shattered and exposed upper levels of the structure in the background. The contrast between the destruction and the dynamic, almost playful depiction of the judo match is striking and perhaps serves as a commentary on power dynamics, resilience, and the human spirit in the face of devastation. The actual location of the mural, the sheer scale of it against the remnants of the wall, and its context within a conflict zone, all add layers of meaning to Banksy’s work.