The artwork titled “Bouquet of Flowers. Smile of My Blond” was created by the renowned artist Joan Miró in 1924. Miró, a central figure in the Surrealist movement, depicted this piece using tempera on canvas, a medium that lends itself to the vivid and bold coloration characteristic of his work. The artwork, which employs a technique associated with Automatic Painting, spans dimensions of 115 by 88 cm and is situated within the figurative genre, albeit abstractly so. Miró’s composition engages the viewer with a delightful amalgamation of surrealistic elements that are emblematic of his unique and imaginative style.
The artwork is a vibrant and enigmatic composition that showcases Miró’s distinct approach to Surrealism and Automatic Painting, where the subconscious mind is allowed to guide the creation of art without rational interference. The color palette is dominated by a warm, yellow hue that serves as the backdrop for a series of whimsical, disjointed forms and symbols. At the centerpiece of the artwork appears to be a figure suggesting a face or figure with a vase-like structure on top, from which emanate several linear and curved forms. These forms could be interpreted as representing the stems and petals of a flower bouquet, assimilating the title’s reference.
Around this core motif, various abstract shapes, and lines float and interact, some of which bear resemblance to celestial bodies, living organisms, or simply arithmetical doodles. The playful elements meld together forming a lively scene that captivates and stimulates the viewer’s imagination, inviting diverse interpretations. Additionally, one can discern text incorporated into the composition, which further integrates linguistic elements into the visual experience. The entire piece exudes a sense of dynamism and spontaneity, transporting the viewer into Miró’s realm of surreal and dreamlike visions.