The artwork titled “Boy and dog in a Johnnypump” was created by Jean-Michel Basquiat in 1982. It employs a mixed media approach incorporating acrylic, crayon, and spray paint on canvas. Basquiat, a pivotal figure in the Neo-Expressionism and Street Art movements, delivers a figurative work of grand proportions, measuring 240 x 420.5 cm. Currently part of a private collection, this vivid piece embodies both the raw intensity and the chaotic vibrancy characteristic of Basquiat’s oeuvre.
In the artwork, the viewer is presented with an energetic and dynamic scene marked by spontaneous and expressive strokes. Dominated by a warm color palette of reds, oranges, yellows, and greens, the composition features two central figures. On the left, a stylized dog in black with prominent eyes and teeth appears as if caught in motion. To the right, a skeletal human form with outstretched arms takes on a commanding presence, rendered with bold lines and contrasting colors. The background is an amalgamation of layers and drips, indicative of street graffiti, lending the piece an urban, raw aesthetic. This juxtaposition creates a dialogue between the figures and their environment, capturing a moment of vivid and raw expression.