The artwork titled “Boy Lights Fire,” created by David Lynch in 2011 in Los Angeles, California, United States, is a mixed media piece that falls under the Art Brut movement and is categorized as figurative in genre.
In the artwork, there is a textured background with three distinct sections. The leftmost section features a red-gloved hand holding a matchbox and a lit match, with small sparks of light emanating from it. The central section hosts another red-gloved hand, reaching out towards small glowing embers, with the word “FIRE” written above in a simplistic, hand-drawn style. The right section depicts a figurative representation of a boy, crudely constructed and dressed in a striped shirt. These elements are intertwined by long, thin, curved objects, possibly representing elongated arms extending between the sections, unifying them into a cohesive narrative that aligns with the Art Brut movement’s emphasis on raw, unrefined expression. The overall composition, framed in a simple, elegant frame, creates a striking and evocative visual experience.