The artwork titled “Breakfast” is a creation of the renowned artist Pablo Picasso, dated to the year 1953. Pablo Picasso executed this piece using oil paint on a canvas, which measures 98 by 130 centimeters. The painting is associated with the Cubism art movement, typified by its use of abstracted shapes and unconventional perspectives. As a genre painting, this artwork depicts scenes of everyday life, focusing on domestic and informal social gatherings.
“Breakfast” by Pablo Picasso features a stylized and fragmented representation of a domestic scene, as is characteristic of his Cubist style. The painting is composed of bold, angular shapes, and the figures depicted are abstracted, with geometric components dominating their form. Facial features are simplified and reconfigured, adhering to the Cubist tendency to combine multiple viewpoints within a single representation. The color palette appears to be somewhat muted, with bursts of brighter colors to emphasize certain elements.
The subjects in the artwork seem to be engaged in the act of eating, as suggested by the presence of utensils and a bowl. There are discernible patterns and textures that may represent the various surfaces and materials within the domestic setting, such as the table, the backdrop, and the attire of the figures. Overall, this tableau is an excellent example of how Picasso deconstructed and reassembled forms to challenge traditional perceptions of space and representation in art.