The artwork, titled “Brown, Orange, Blue on Maroon,” was created around 1963 by the distinguished artist Mark Rothko in the United States. As part of the Color Field Painting and Abstract Art movements, this oil painting measures 205.74 x 193.04 cm and exemplifies the abstract genre. Currently, it is housed in the Cincinnati Art Museum, located in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
The artwork features three rectangular color fields in a vertical arrangement, set against a maroon background. The top rectangle is a deep brown, the middle one is a vibrant orange, and the bottom rectangle is a rich blue. Each color field appears to have soft, diffused edges, creating a sense of fluidity and blending with the maroon canvas. Rothko’s characteristic style of using large areas of color to evoke emotion and contemplation is manifest in this piece, making it a striking example of mid-20th century abstract art.