The artwork, titled “Bust of a Young Woman (Mademoiselle Marthe),” was created by the artist Amedeo Modigliani between 1916 and 1917 in Paris, France. Executed with oil on canvas, this piece belongs to the Expressionism movement and is categorized as a portrait.
In the artwork, Modigliani employs his distinctive elongated style to portray a young woman with a serene and introspective visage. The subject’s face is characterized by soft, muted tones, with almond-shaped eyes and a gentle expression, encapsulating a sense of calm. The background features a dichotomy of dark and light hues, further emphasizing the central figure. The woman’s dark clothing contrasts with her fair skin, drawing the viewer’s attention to her face and tranquil demeanor. The portrait exemplifies Modigliani’s unique approach to form and color, contributing to the emotive and contemplative nature of the piece.