The artwork, titled “Bust of Costanza Buonarelli,” was created by the eminent Baroque artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini around 1635. This marble sculpture, characteristic of the Baroque movement, is a striking representation of its genre. The artwork is located in the Bargello (Palazzo del Popolo) in Florence, Italy, where it continues to be admired for its lifelike realism and emotional expression.
The artwork showcases a remarkable bust of a woman, finely chiseled from marble. The subject, Costanza Buonarelli, is depicted with intricately detailed features, including expressive eyes and carefully rendered hair that frames her face in soft curls. Her attire appears simple yet elegantly draped, demonstrating the artist’s mastery in conveying texture and movement in stone. The subtle play of light and shadow across the surface of the sculpture enhances its three-dimensional quality, bringing the figure to life with a dynamic presence. Bernini’s ability to capture both the physical likeness and the emotional essence of his subject is evident in this exquisite example of Baroque artistry.