The artwork, titled “By the River Loing,” was created by Alfred Sisley around 1896 using pastel as the medium. This piece is categorized within the Post-Impressionism movement and is an example of genre painting, depicting everyday life scenes. The artwork is housed in the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen, located in Rouen, France.
In “By the River Loing,” the pastoral scene is serene and picturesque, showcasing a small group of individuals by the riverbank. The figures are accompanied by ducks, indicating a tranquil rural setting. Trees and shrubbery populate the scene, with their autumnal hues blending harmoniously into the composition. The river itself gently flows through the landscape, with the backdrop featuring houses and distant trees under a calm, expansive sky. This quintessential Post-Impressionist piece captures a moment of everyday life with a gentle and soothing palette, emphasizing the interaction between humans and nature.