The artwork, titled “Café Still Life with Bow Tie (Braque)” and created by George Segal in 1986, belongs to the Cubism and Pop Art movements and is categorized as a still life. This piece intricately combines elements of modernity and abstraction to evoke a unique style that reflects its inclusion within these two influential art movements.
The artwork demonstrates a complex composition of geometric shapes and forms, arranged to portray a still life scene within a café setting. The prominent use of earthy tones, alongside subtle reds and grays, gives depth and dimension to the piece. Textured components and three-dimensional elements, such as a plaster cast of a face, a bottle, and a goblet, interlink to form an intricate collage-like arrangement. The application of varying shades and relief elements brings a tactile quality to the composition, inviting viewers to explore the interplay of shadows and light. This piece exudes a harmony of abstraction and reality, all while adhering to the aesthetics of Cubism and Pop Art.