“Campaign,” created by James Rosenquist in 1965, belongs to the Pop Art movement and falls under the genre of advertisement. This artwork, titled “Campaign,” reflects the distinct characteristics of Pop Art, which often incorporates imagery from popular culture and mass media.
The composition of “Campaign” prominently features a close-up of a human hand holding a cylindrical object that appears to be in the act of dispensing or interacting with a box of Kleenex tissues. The tissues are visually striking, with the branding “KLEENEX” visible in capital letters on the boxes, which are rendered in intense blue, red, and yellow hues. The background is filled with a dynamic floral pattern, predominantly in shades of red and blue, adding a layer of complexity and vibrancy to the piece. This juxtaposition of a mundane object with a vivid, almost chaotic backdrop is characteristic of Rosenquist’s style, challenging viewers to reconsider the ordinary through the lens of bold and eclectic Pop Art.