“Campbell’s Soup Can (Onion)” is an artwork created by the renowned artist Andy Warhol in the year 1962. This piece is classified under the Pop Art movement and falls within the genre of still life. The artwork prominently features a detailed and vibrant depiction of a can of Campbell’s Onion Soup, exemplifying Warhol’s iconic style of transforming everyday commercial objects into art.
The artwork showcases a meticulously rendered can of Campbell’s Condensed Onion Soup, complete with its distinctive red, white, and gold label. The label includes the bold “Campbell’s” logo in cursive script, the word “Condensed” immediately below it, and the type of soup – “Onion Made With Beef Stock” – in substantial red letters against the white background. The can’s label is synonymous with common grocery store items, suggesting the meditation on consumer culture that is central to Warhol’s work. The crisp lines, vibrant colors, and mass-produced subject matter reflect the essence of Pop Art, emphasizing the blurring of distinctions between high art and popular culture.