The artwork, titled “Campbell’s Soup Can (Tomato Rice),” was created by Andy Warhol in 1961 in the United States. Rendered in the medium of silkscreen, this piece is a part of the Pop Art movement and falls under the figurative genre.
The artwork prominently features a depiction of a Campbell’s Tomato Rice Soup can. The can’s design remains largely faithful to its real-life counterpart, with red and white coloring and distinct, recognizable branding elements including the script for “Campbell’s” and the yellow-gold circle. There is an abstract element to the rendering, particularly noticeable in the drips of paint that run down the can, suggesting a dynamic interaction between the subject and the medium. The background is minimally detailed with red and monochrome sketches, leaving the focus squarely on the iconic soup can, aligning with Warhol’s exploration of consumerism and mass production in pop culture.