The artwork titled “Canal with Bridge and Women Washing” was created by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in 1888. Executed in ink on paper, this work belongs to the Post-Impressionism movement and represents the genre of cityscape. The piece is currently housed at the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung in Munich, Germany.
In the artwork, a tranquil canal scene is depicted, showcasing a bridge that crosses over the water. On one side of the canal, several women are engaged in the task of washing, giving life and activity to the composition. The industrial backdrop, highlighted by the prominent chimney emitting smoke, contrasts with the serene natural surroundings of the canal, illustrating the juxtaposition of industry and daily life. The vigorous and expressive lines are characteristic of van Gogh’s drawing style, effectively conveying both the structure and the atmosphere of the location in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France.