The artwork, titled “Canéphore,” was created by the artist William-Adolphe Bouguereau in 1852. This mythological painting utilizes oil on canvas as its medium and is part of the Academicism art movement. The dimensions of the artwork are 244 by 176 centimeters.
In the artwork, the viewer is presented with a scene imbued with mythological significance. It depicts three figures adorned in classical attire. The central figure is a male, muscular and partly draped, who is supporting a decorated jar on his shoulder. To his right, a female figure holds a golden plate and gazes at him with an expression of contemplation. To his left, another female figure is seen carrying a basket on her head, maintaining a poised stance with her arm akimbo. The background, featuring a serene sky and ancient architecture, along with the lush greenery in the foreground, enhances the classical ambiance of the scene. The composition and the fine details reflect Bouguereau’s mastery in rendering human anatomy and fabric textures, hallmarks of the Academicism movement.