The artwork titled “Cape Cod Still Life,” created by Roy Lichtenstein in 1972, is a distinguished exemplar of the Pop Art movement. Executed with magna and oil on canvas, the painting measures 152.4 by 243.8 centimeters and is currently housed in the Museum Ludwig in Cologne, Germany. As a still life genre piece, it is imbued with Lichtenstein’s characteristic style, which amalgamates commercial art techniques with traditional fine art subject matter.
The artwork exhibits a vivid assemblage of nautical-themed objects, rendered in Lichtenstein’s signature Ben-Day dots and bold, clean lines. Prominent in the composition are items such as a coiled rope, bottles, driftwood, and marine life, all meticulously arranged against a stylized backdrop. The background reveals a window view of a coastal scene, contributing to the thematic unity of the piece. The overall effect is both graphic and contemplative, inviting viewers to engage with everyday objects through the lens of modern art.